Apenzy Biosciences

5G first strand cDNA synthesis kit with gDNA elimination function

5G first strand cDNA synthesis kit with gDNA elimination function

Regular price $300.00
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The 5G first strand cDNA synthesis kit with gDNA elimination function provides a fast and efficient procedure for reverse transcription and genomic DNA elimination in RNA samples. To obtain accurate results in RT-PCR and RT-qPCR, it is important that only cDNA is amplified and detected. Interference by genomic DNA can be avoided by designing primers or probes that span an exon/exon boundary. However, in cases where this is not possible (e.g., the cDNA is from a single-exon gene, or there exist processed pseudogenes in genomic DNA sequences), it is essential that the starting RNA sample is free of genomic DNA. The 5G first strand cDNA synthesis kit with gDNA elimination function combines genomic DNA elimination of RNA samples and first strand cDNA synthesis in one easy workflow to ensure accuracy of RT-PCR and RT-qPCR results. Since there is no need to perform a separate DNase digestion and re-purify your RNA samples, your time and costs are saved.

The 5G first strand cDNA synthesis kit with gDNA elimination function is an upgraded version of the 4G first strand cDNA synthesis kit with gDNA elimination function. It includes a new generation of reverse transcriptase, 5G Reverse Transcriptase, and the most suitable for reverse transcription optimization. Buffer further improves the efficiency of one-strand synthesis. The 5 × gDNA Removing Buffer in this kit can quickly remove genomic DNA contamination at 42°C for 2 min, ensuring more reliable follow-up results, and simplifying qPCR primer design without the need to design primers across introns. The kit contains single-component reverse transcription primers Oligo (dT)20 VN and Random hexamers. Users can flexibly choose reverse transcription primers for subsequent experiments according to their needs. This kit can synthesize full-length cDNA (up to 20 kb) for downstream experiments such as cloning, and can also synthesize highly uniform cDNA for qPCR quantification.

Features of the 5G first strand cDNA synthesis kit with gDNA elimination function:

* Higher reverse transcription efficiency and higher cDNA yields from all regions of RNA transcripts: based on the more efficient 5G Reverse Transcriptase.
* Flexible choice of primers: Different types of reverse transcription primers can be used flexibly for different experimental designs.
* Quick and complete removal of genome contamination by the 5 × gDNA Removing Buffer: to ensure more reliable follow-up results, and simplify the design of qPCR primers, without the need to design primers across introns.

Components of the 5G first strand cDNA synthesis kit with gDNA elimination function:

gDNA Removing Buffer (5X): Buffer for effective elimination of genomic DNA contamination in RNA samples
RT Buffer (10X): Buffer optimized for reverse transcription; Contains MgCl2, dNTPs, and stabilizers
5G Enzyme Mix: Mixture of reverse transcriptase, and RNase inhibitor.
Oligo (dT)20 VN Primer.
Random Hexamers.
RNase-free H2O: Ultrapure quality.


The kit is stable for one year when stored in a constant temperature freezer at -20°C. After thawing, mix the components thoroughly before using. Frequent freezing and thawing is not recommended.

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